The Wolphin and Mercy

As you may know, the kids are taking their own classes here at Mission Training Camp. They are having a great time! They have art, playground time, movies, cooking, and field trips! Yesterday, Ella and Noah learned about Jonah. Noah retold the story to me at bedtime. "Jonah jumped off the boat. The Wolphin came and bit Jonah. The Wolphin spit Jonah out!"

The general understanding in this story is that Jonah got swallowed up by the "wolphin" because he had disobeyed God in not going to Ninevah immediately as God had instructed Jonah to do. It is easy to see the "wolphin" as an instrument of discipline...and honestly, there would be some unpleasantness sitting in the belly of the whale. But, as Andrew was able to see...the "wolphin" represents God's Mercy. God gave Jonah a second chance. God had a purpose and a plan for Jonah.

I am thankful that God has a plan for me & my family. I am thankful that He gives us new mercies each day and a lot of "second chances"...I am thankful that there hasn't been a "wolphin" involved in our journey so far.

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