Musings on Life as a Consultant (Not a title I EVER thought I'd have!)

My brain works OVERTIME all.the.time. I am learning that it is part of who I am. 

Since I recently jumped into the world of what could be considered Multi-Level-Marketing {MLM}, I have been pondering and researching both the product and the concept of MLM.

In the last 24 hours, I have swung from being totally stoked and excited to hugely regretful to somewhere in the middle which is probably better than either extreme.

My intense 24 hour sprint can be distilled into these points:

  1. There is nothing perfect THIS side of Heaven. We live in a broken world, with broken people and broken systems. That is why we need Jesus and through Him will one day live in a perfect eternity.
  2. MLM businesses are not in and of themselves evil. It is business. Even when you buy from Walmart or Amazon, more than one person benefits. (Yes, I realize this is over-simplified.) However, pushing a product is not my goal. If I have already been too pushy, FORGIVE ME. There is a learning curve both mentally and spiritually in this for me. I vow to NOT be pushy from this point forward. {Here is a great article I read regarding Christianity and MLMs.}
  3. As mentioned in this article, money is not the end goal. That was a good reminder. My hope is to put this product into the hands of guests and this seemed the best way to do it! Just the body cloth alone would have been awesome to have in hot and humid Nicaragua! This whole thing is yet another opportunity to grow, learn, be sanctified, be in relationship with people, and learn stewardship.
  4. There is a scientific learning curve here as well. There is a difference between STERILE and mold/mildew/bacterial odor inhibiting properties. Micro-silver infused microfiber does NOT mean STERILE. The microsilver is not cleaning the surface you are cleaning, it is inhibiting bacterial growth in the cloth itself. So, this means, we don’t want to wipe up raw chicken juice and then turn around and wipe our kid’s hands with the cloth. {Well, I wouldn’t!} I, personally, wash the cloths often...and I have a designated and dedicated cloths for different jobs. I am still ME after all! However, silver (and its oxidizing properties) DO interrupt normal cell processes of a bacterium--it disrupts transmembrane transport which shuts down the life-supporting functions of the cell. There is lots of research on microsilver! LOTS!
  5. Microfiber is indeed a GREAT product. Microfiber DOES pick up more than a cotton cloth or a one-use wipe. It acts like a vacuum. Are there other cheaper versions of microfiber out there? Yup. I have my own reasons for choosing to purchase through this particular company. One of which is how the fiber is designed. My reasons may not be enough for you. That’s ok. Really, it is.
  6. Like many things, this is probably seasonal. Just as I only changed diapers for a season and drove to preschool three times a week for a season, this is part of my journey RIGHT NOW. I pray God uses it to His Glory! I hope I can meet some new people and have some great conversations! One of the aspects of MLMs is the relational nature of how the business works. It connects people with people--in real life, real time! With social media like it is, we seem to have less face-to-face connection with people and that is affecting "community." When I hosted my party, I met neighbors I hadn't meet before! It served as a platform for people to come together that wouldn't have otherwise come together. Just one of the "perks."
  7. One of the aspects of this that I like is that I feel like I am doing something to care for the Creation designed by God. He put us, as humans, in a position of stewardship over this planet. I want to do my part.

{ALL opinions here are those of Bethany. You may disagree. I just ask that you refrain from being mean about it!}

Thanks for letting me process this here, as well as, giving me the room to be “in process.”

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